A cylindrical gates model of the static induction transistor is proposed and mirror method is used to calculate the distribution of electric potential. 针对埋栅型静电感应晶体管(SIT)提出一种柱栅模型.用镜像法计算了器件内电势分布,并在此基础上计算了沟道势垒、栅效率、电压放大因子等。
The reflectivity of cylindrical mirror is relative with the coated material, grazing incidence angle, and x-ray wavelength, it will increase when the x-ray wavelength increases, and it decrease faster if the wavelength is shorter. 其中,前置柱面镜的反射率与镀膜材料、掠入射角和X射线波长有关,随X射线波长增大而增大,波长越短,反射率下降得越快。
A ceramic disc with high resistance film is an important part of a cylindrical mirror analyzer ( CMA) for avoiding the edge effect of electric field. Its quality exerts a big influence on the properties of an electron energy analyzer. 陶瓷环高阻膜作为筒镜分析器避免边缘电场效应的重要部件,其质量对电子能量分析器的性能有很大的影响。
Discussion on imagery of cylindrical mirror 关于柱面镜成像的讨论
Several inclining and cylindrical mirror Moire fringe photos are given and compared with the results which are reckoned according to the theory. 拍摄了斜镜面、柱形镜面的莫尔轮廓条纹照片,判读结果与本文提供的理论公式的计算结果比较一致。
A new coupling mode using cylindrical mirror in square waveguide is presented in this paper. 针对方形波导激光器的反射耦合问题提出了一种采用柱面反射镜的新型耦合方式。
Transverse Modes and Frequency Selective Loss Function of a Resonator Composed of a Cylindrical Mirror and a Diffraction Grating 柱面镜-光栅谐振腔模式与频率选择特性
The geometric optics is used to simulate a β-cone/ e cylindrical gap blackbody model from the feature of blackbody mirror cavity. 根据黑体光壁胜特征,利用几何光学方法模拟得到-β锥/e柱隙黑体模型。
Some EXperiments on a Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer with the Optimum Operation Parameters 筒镜分析器最佳工作参数的实验测试
The laser system of measuring velocity selects appropriate semiconductor laser device as Light source and a large area photoallergy diode as receiver, use the laser curtain formed by arc cylindrical mirror as section. 系统通过选取半导体激光器作为光源、大面积光敏二极管作为接收器件。采用通过柱面透镜和圆弧柱面反射镜形成的激光幕作为区截面。
The characteristics of glow discharge in a sputtering system with an cylindrical mirror, the effect of electron reflection near the axis is poor. 本文对一种带有电子反射镜的溅射系统的放电特性进行了研究.并对几种不同形状的电子反射镜进行了研究比较。
A design method of the distortionless catadioptric panoramic imaging system based on cylindrical scene for perspective imaging model is proposed. The mirror surface shape is determined by means of the distortionless imaging demands of the system cylindrical scene and field angle. 提出了一种基于透视成像模型的柱面场景无畸变的折反射全景成像系统设计方法,该方法利用系统柱面场景无畸变成像要求和视场角确定反射镜面形。
Fabrication and testing of the super-smooth silicon cylindrical mirror 超光滑硅柱面反射镜的加工和检测
Fabrication process, technology and testing methods of the super-smooth Silicon cylindrical mirror are mentioned in this paper. 介绍了超光滑硅柱面反射镜的加工过程、工艺控制及检测方法。
A grating monochromator combined by a cylindrical mirror and a straight groove toroidal grating is discussed. 本文讨论了由柱面反射镜和直槽环面光栅组成的掠入射单色器。
Spectrographic effects will be affected by the transmission efficiency of TCECS, which depends on the reflective ratio of a cylindrical mirror, the integrated diffraction of a crystal, the transmissivity of filter foil, and the spectrographic aperture ratio. TCECS传递效率的高低将影响摄谱效果,而TCECS的传递效率取决于柱面镜的反射率、晶体的积分衍射率、滤光膜的透射率和光谱相对孔径。
Design of Cylindrical Mirror Analyser for Auger Electron Spectroscopy 俄歇电子谱仪筒镜分析器的设计
Semi-infinite border through the mirror image method to meet the stress free condition, using the cylindrical wave function expansion method shows the original image and the mirror image of the wave field analytical expression. 半无限边界处的应力自由条件通过镜像法来满足,采用柱波函数展开法给出了原像和各镜像波场的解析表达式。
According to the conclusion in Fermat Principle that the optical path takes minimum value, we figure out the formula of reflection point coordinates after carefully analyzing to the Cylindrical Mirror Image. 我们利用费马原理中其光程取极小值的结论,解析并计算出柱面镜的反射点坐标,同时提出了一种新的柱面镜镜像点定位方法。
We apply LOD technology to the process of Curved Mirror Image ( containing cylindrical mirror, spherical mirror and so on), and call the corresponding simplified model to participate in the Cylindrical Mirror Image according to the conventional relations between the view point and cylindrical mirror. 我们将LOD模型简化技术运用于各类曲面镜成像的过程中(包括柱面镜,球面镜等),根据模型与镜距、视距之间的关系约定调用对应的简化模型参与镜面反射成像。